Research and studies

As part of our project with the European Union we have been embarking on a number of researches with our research partners. The aim of the research is to explore health care attitudes in the community, especially toward the use of traditional medicines and to see how a more integrated approach to health care can improve the health care choices in the community.

We have also been working with the Ministry of Health in creating a more efficient health information system at community level, so health data collected can be owned more at a community level and where the data collected can be used to advocate for a more efficient health policy at a local level. To this end, we are working with public health officers and Community Health Volunteers in collecting and analyzing community data. This is important also in the challenges of establishing Universal Health Coverage in the country.

We are also doing operational clinical research into the impact of our clinical programmes and seeing how this can inform policy makers when looking at the future of health care in Kenya. A new Health Act was passed in 2017 that is seeking a more integrated approach to health, and looking how better to recognize and regulate both traditional and alternative forms of medicine. We are working with the Kenyan government and other health organizations in seeking appropriate regulation that can enhance health care choices and options in Kenyan society.